"An idol is an image or other material object representing a
deity to which religious worship is addressed or any person or thing regarded
with admiration, adoration or devotion"-
Haiiii. Salam Ramadhan, dan selamat bertugas
kembali. Hehe, Bercakap pasal idola, sy yakin semua ada sekurang-kurangnya 1
atau lebih individu yang beri kesan dalam diri. Tidak kisahlah ahli agama,
politik, entertainer dll. And mine is so random. Wanna know why? ;-)
1) Michell Phan
I really love her. At first saya cuma tau dia ni
make-up demonstrator yang banyak publish tutorial video pasal mekap di Youtube.
Saya minat betul dengar suara dia ni. Tenang saja dia cakap. Cuba tutup mata
pastu dengar dia bercakap through earphone, i thought angels must be talking
exactly like her. Video dia pun tidak terhad pasal mekap. Try google 'how to
de-stress' or try 'girls guide to starting over' by her. Her perspective bring
out new atmosphere. Bait-bait kata yang dia guna pun always rhymes and
brilliant. Dapat rasa yang dia ni memang beauty with brain dan dalam masa yang
sama boleh persuade orang yang follow video dia. Sy mengaku saya download
kebanyakan video dia pi lappy. Bila saya rasa down, saya cari tu folder video
dia. It feels great how an unseen person can do so much to uplift your mood. I
adore her as an idol. Thank you Michell Phan for igniting my spirit and for
inspiring me to be creative. I like to think her as my virtual motivator.
Goodluck beautiful dreamer.
2) Jayesslee
Janice and Sonia, twins yang sy rasa so much
alike. First sy tau durang ni dari adik sy. Dia cakap "best oo ni, cuba
dengar suara harmoni durang". Time tu kalau tidak silap, durang buat cover
lagu I Won't Give Up by Jason Marz. Start dari sana, sy develop tu admiration.
Asal ada cover baru, tida missed tu mo pi dingar. Tp memang betul oo. Time
durang nyanyi tu lagu, can feel the chemistry between them and they sang it
like they really meant it. Yang paling best skali, sy tida ble kasi beza sapa
yang nyanyi suara 1 and whose sang the second voicing. Sangat misteri bagi sy
sampai sy stare their lips tym durang tengah duet harmoni on MV. Dan yang
terbaru, sy baru tau nama duo durang Jayesslee tu sebenarnya membawa maksud
'Jay' untuk J (janice), 'Ess' untuk S (sonia) dan 'Lee' tu surname durang.
Adehh.. setelah sekian lama, mystery solved. Hehe. Janice and Sonia are both
married and each both have a son of same age. Jauh sangat sy stalk durang ni
especially video yang dimuatkan dalam andymetsonia. I watched their very
episode. STALKER! By the way, Thank you Jayesslee for teaching me how to
live a 'life', and promote true value of sisterhood.
This one are the most random of all. Sy x tau pa
macam sy ble terjumpa this awesome and family oriented blog. Apa yang sy tau, i
love how Val as a wife and a mother of four handle her family with care,
growing vege, home canning foods, and home schooling her own kids. Sy slalu
percaya home are a better place to stay. And i'm gonna make it real someday.
:-) Thank you Val for reminding me of organic life and for the idea of 'there
is always a reason to smile every second of life' (kids, dogs, or even a tiny
little sprout of vege that grew at the backyard).
Thank you for inspiring me. Xoxo. :-*