Sunday, 31 March 2013

The ♥ of March 2013

Betul la orang cakap kan. Di 'mana' bukan soal, yang penting, dengan 'siapa' kita berada. Honestly, cuti kali ni di Keningau betul-betul memorable. Banyak jalan, jumpa kawan, makan. Lol. Kalau gini, tiap2 pbs saya balik. :-D

PBS 18-22 Mac di Sk Tuarid Taud, Keningau. Best jugak, banyak ni cerita best & pengalaman baru. Mungkin my previous pbs lebih tertumpu di prasekolah jadi bila kali ni dapat 'menyibuk' di sr tu memang suatu yang baru. Okay, this school ada blog tersendiri. Blog Sk Tuarid Taud . Check it out. Hari pertama perkenalkan diri. Lol.

My pbs-mate pun sporting je semua. Ecy, liss, ever, fera, syl, han, fie. Sayang kamu ! Kisah kita : #school, #bunsit, #bbq, #accident, #dinner, #loveline? Haha. Jangan pernah melupakan. :-')

Then two days p Nabawan @ Kg. Mosopoh. Nyaman dengan airnya yang sejuk. Satu je, line phone tak berapa nak okay. Jadi anggap saja anda sedang menjalani program BIG dengan slogannya 'putus hubungan dengan dunia luar' temporary.

Persamaan bunsit & mosopoh ? Dua-dua ada jambatan gantung. Hee Best ! #nicefamily, #cutebaby, #steamfish, #bukit, #party. Tq Ecy. Next time boleh ka sy datang lagi?  :-P

Family of mine semua okey & sihat walafiat. Cuma macam kurang masa untuk diluangkan bersama. Apa tidak, cuti sakan berjalan sana sini. It's K. Bulan lima pulang lagi bah. Don't worry. Hee.

#Have a blessed Easter Vigil

Friday, 1 March 2013

Belated Valen

Seriously this time no idea whats good to be save as 2013 valen pressie. I've been thinking about something simple, sincere and affordable. Uhm... Think, think and think. Finally, after so many thoughts, brought lolli and shirt for el by the previous holiday trip @Malacca. 
Lollipop? Em.. girls really heart those things but i'm not sure if guys feel the same. Will he like it or maybe find it childish? Although I wonder about the reaction, i'm anticipating. Symbolically, our relation is a bit whirl sometimes with misunderstanding, worries and love sickness just like the Loli's pattern. But i hope the whirl that we're having bring us to the real mean of love in sweet, fun and memorable ways.

Then, it happened to buy him shirt by soda. I can't really remember how many times buying shirts for hub. For my assurance, he haven't wear any of them yet. :-( Each time i ask, he said he doesn't fit the shirt. Either too big or too small. Frankly speaking, i'm kinda sad cuz deep inside, i feel like he doesn't like the shirt i've choose and doesn't get along with the fashion vision of mine. I hope this time will be effective. 

I'm not mad. ^^ Wrap 1.
Final product
I feel like i'm actually was on my final year project, putting my best effort until the final product sealed. And finally, got it posted to Sarawak yesterday by pos laju after a lots of troublesome stuff. That day Ngam-ngam so many people also want to poslaju their barang while i got taxi waiting for me outside. I thought it will be just for couple of minutes. Okay, so i que. Then when i'm actually on the counter, the officer tell me to refill the new form, coz i'd wrongly wrote down the address of sender and receiver. I'm about to cry but thanks God, finish my fyp :-p. ELVJ, if you're reading this someday, be mine. ;-*