Monday, 16 September 2013

Why shout?

Ba kamu dingar dulu ni ..

A Hindu Saint said,
( 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance. What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.' )

Ba dingar suda leslie? mendingar ba! hmm

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Ranau the love !!

#Caution : 'Bahasa Rojak' Ahead !

Cuti penggal baru2 ni, after landed ja di Sabah trus minta sis ambil. Mom tida sabar dah suruh pulang Keningau tp sy ckap sis "meh jalan2 dulu". hehe. Jahat kan sy. Urm, sy jahat tp sis sy baik hati. Palinggg! hee. Dipendekkan cerita, sy berhasil 'kacau daun' my sis and her hubby. Setting journey from KK-Ranau. wuu soo kind. love you two! :-D 

Ranau memang best oo. Macam2 tempat ble lawat. Oleh sbb hr minggu, jadi sesampainya ranau, g church lu di St. Peter Claver Ranau. hehe. Here is the list.

2) 'Tagal' Sungai Moroli Kampung Luanti
No photos to show sebab gambar smua di DSLR si jay2. Sedih. Next time will come with it.
Mula2 dtg sini, i said to myself  'ingatkan free of charge rupanya berbayar. then ada limit masa pula tu. Plus, baja ikan pun mau dibeli. Tu ikan siok2 ja makan free'. hehe. I was wrong. Kejinakan ikan & the feel time tu ikan isap2 kaki kamurang. haha. Gali ! Sesuai utk yg inginkan kelainan.
* p/s : MESTI beli baja ikan. kalu tida, tu ikan tda mo stay bis dy lari p tmpt yg byk mknn (baja). nanti kmu jeles kalu sikit ja ikan (mcm pglaman kmi) haha. then beware tu ikan yg kici2, bulih tahan juga tu gigi dy. sy ingt sy kna gigit pirana. LOL.

3) Poring Ranau
Dulu sy ingt poring just tempat utk mndi kolam air panas. NO! dalam ni ada macam2. Butterfly garden, Orchid Plantation etc. tp kami smpat p poring punya canopy walk ja. Here sesuai utk org yg lasak sebab track dia panjang. n hati2 org yg gayat & lemah semangat sebab mo naik jambatan gantung yg dipasang diantara pokok2 giant d situ. Dan sila lah pakai attire yg sesuai mcm mau hiking. Jgan mcm kami (baju p shopping).

4) Desa cattle, Mesilau
Ni tempat palingg sy ternanti2. Boleh dh nmpk gunung kinabalu kalu awan tida tebal. Dy punya breeze pun aduhaii. macam di NZ beh (mcm lh sda prnh smpai) hehe. Jgn lupa beli produk aiskrim yg lazat lg berkirim. 'rasa 1 nak lagi'. hingga begitu skali nikmatnya. :-p

# Ranau is love ! Next time will be here again for sure. :-)

Monday, 29 April 2013

A normal gf wants

1# Selca time
Jun K (2pm), Jei (fiesta)
2# Matching outfit
Hyejung (AQA) +Jun K
3# Boyfriend knows when to be SILLY
Nam Jihyun (4minutes), Hyunshik (ZE:A)
4# Pay attention on small things
We loves it when you remember the "small things" about us. In that way, we felt appreciated. 
Mir (MBLAQ), Jei 

The Korean dating show : Romantic & Idols a.k.a my new addiction. :-)

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Ms April bad luck ?

April, angels set their journey home.
Jiran depan rumah, the old hardworking lady meninggal because of lung infection. Paru-paru jadi putih and i knew it accidentally cause i happen to call my sister when she was on the memorial mass. Today online and i found out that our beloved Tekniken's teacher, arwah cikgu Muji Abdullah got stroke and died on 1 o'clock in the morning. Condolence for the lost.

April, the test from above.
This morning, a friend told me that my cousin (Ipg Sarawak) involved in accident like few weeks ody and injured her jawbone. Seriously i'm shocked cause haven't heard of it. So i call my sis again for confirmation. She said yes, it is. But the plot doesn't end there. From my sis, i'm informed that this time my youngest uncle (my mum's lil bro) hilang kawalan kereta, 3x terbalik then masuk gaung. That time he is otw to Apin-apin for our family meeting. Thanks God nothing happen but he still urged for medical checkup. And my cuzzy just text me not to worry cause she is getting well.

"God, i pray for the safety and recovery. God, please protect my family the way you've done to me"

April, the calm after storm.
We get back to normal. Thank you dear. When i said we need to re-think about our relation, i'm wrong and i learnt my lesson. ILY. elvislays2013April.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Zivilia, thanks for the song

"When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics".


Begitupun aku, maafkan yang
selalu kasar marah padamu
meski tak lagi ada kata
cinta terucap, sekedar basa-basi
tapi hatiku masih milikmu, milikmu

Cemburu tanda cinta, marah tandanya sayang
kalau curiga itu karena ku takut kehilangan
kalau dekat bertengkar, kalau jauh ku rindu
jadi serba salah, buatku dilema
tapi aku selalu aishiteru

Click here for full lyric

# Sorry dear. I keep confusing myself. I knew u try hard. But sometimes, it's hard to explain when me myself doesn't have the exact answer. The worst part is, i don't know what actually i want and what i didn't. Sorry :'-( elvislays2013

Sunday, 31 March 2013

The ♥ of March 2013

Betul la orang cakap kan. Di 'mana' bukan soal, yang penting, dengan 'siapa' kita berada. Honestly, cuti kali ni di Keningau betul-betul memorable. Banyak jalan, jumpa kawan, makan. Lol. Kalau gini, tiap2 pbs saya balik. :-D

PBS 18-22 Mac di Sk Tuarid Taud, Keningau. Best jugak, banyak ni cerita best & pengalaman baru. Mungkin my previous pbs lebih tertumpu di prasekolah jadi bila kali ni dapat 'menyibuk' di sr tu memang suatu yang baru. Okay, this school ada blog tersendiri. Blog Sk Tuarid Taud . Check it out. Hari pertama perkenalkan diri. Lol.

My pbs-mate pun sporting je semua. Ecy, liss, ever, fera, syl, han, fie. Sayang kamu ! Kisah kita : #school, #bunsit, #bbq, #accident, #dinner, #loveline? Haha. Jangan pernah melupakan. :-')

Then two days p Nabawan @ Kg. Mosopoh. Nyaman dengan airnya yang sejuk. Satu je, line phone tak berapa nak okay. Jadi anggap saja anda sedang menjalani program BIG dengan slogannya 'putus hubungan dengan dunia luar' temporary.

Persamaan bunsit & mosopoh ? Dua-dua ada jambatan gantung. Hee Best ! #nicefamily, #cutebaby, #steamfish, #bukit, #party. Tq Ecy. Next time boleh ka sy datang lagi?  :-P

Family of mine semua okey & sihat walafiat. Cuma macam kurang masa untuk diluangkan bersama. Apa tidak, cuti sakan berjalan sana sini. It's K. Bulan lima pulang lagi bah. Don't worry. Hee.

#Have a blessed Easter Vigil

Friday, 1 March 2013

Belated Valen

Seriously this time no idea whats good to be save as 2013 valen pressie. I've been thinking about something simple, sincere and affordable. Uhm... Think, think and think. Finally, after so many thoughts, brought lolli and shirt for el by the previous holiday trip @Malacca. 
Lollipop? Em.. girls really heart those things but i'm not sure if guys feel the same. Will he like it or maybe find it childish? Although I wonder about the reaction, i'm anticipating. Symbolically, our relation is a bit whirl sometimes with misunderstanding, worries and love sickness just like the Loli's pattern. But i hope the whirl that we're having bring us to the real mean of love in sweet, fun and memorable ways.

Then, it happened to buy him shirt by soda. I can't really remember how many times buying shirts for hub. For my assurance, he haven't wear any of them yet. :-( Each time i ask, he said he doesn't fit the shirt. Either too big or too small. Frankly speaking, i'm kinda sad cuz deep inside, i feel like he doesn't like the shirt i've choose and doesn't get along with the fashion vision of mine. I hope this time will be effective. 

I'm not mad. ^^ Wrap 1.
Final product
I feel like i'm actually was on my final year project, putting my best effort until the final product sealed. And finally, got it posted to Sarawak yesterday by pos laju after a lots of troublesome stuff. That day Ngam-ngam so many people also want to poslaju their barang while i got taxi waiting for me outside. I thought it will be just for couple of minutes. Okay, so i que. Then when i'm actually on the counter, the officer tell me to refill the new form, coz i'd wrongly wrote down the address of sender and receiver. I'm about to cry but thanks God, finish my fyp :-p. ELVJ, if you're reading this someday, be mine. ;-*

Friday, 4 January 2013

2013 ;-)

#Happy birthday elvj. <#jHellooo 2013, hello all. Its been a while since the last blog bout the past november's birthday, :-) and it is already January now! Got frustrating problem to reach my own blog cuz goggle chrome detected malware on it - preventing me to do updates. Thnx god, mozilla can still open this, keeping those memories alive. Those pictures and stories behind it. I don't want to lose either 'them' or bungakeningau. :-(

After thousands rumors abouts doomsday, glad that there are still 'year' after 2012. What a relief. Guess its time to make new resolutions!

#1 Studies
- Punctual
- Higher pointer this sem

#2 Social
- Seeding a long term of friendship
- Make time for Church, rosary etc

#3 Families
- Be closer to them
- To contribute something valuable+love+sincere

#4 Serious wishes for self
Love- Bring it to the next level :-D
Money - Save $ into asb
Health - towards excellent

2012, thank you for all the joy, sorrow and tears that shoved me into the realization that this life is not about finding myself among those crowds but to create myself so i can suit into them. 2013, lets us be friend and help me to grow, success and be something that light others. :-*